Strong Borders

The border is an ever growing problem.
The Federal Government needs to
be held accountable.
We do not have a nation without
secure borders.

Smaller Government

Less Government, Lower Taxes,
and Fiscal Responsibility are the
answers to a sound economy and
private sector growth.

Honest Elections

The Arizona Revised Statutes need
to be reformed to guarantee
free and fair elections.

Pro-Family Education

Our schools are failing in basics
like Math and English. We must
revers this trend. Our children deserve
a better start to their future.

Second Amendment Rights

Citizens of the United States of America
are guaranteed the right to Bear Arms.
This is a sacred right given to us by
our Founding Fathers and one that
must be protected and honored.

Water & Land Management

We need a long term citizen-centric
plan to protect our natural resources
for future Arizonans.

May God Bless the Great State of Arizona!